Following up on the highly successful 2014 NCSU CentMesh Drones Challenge, which concluded in April 2014, we kicked off another year-long student challenge for 2014-15. This time, it was not only a programming challenge, but also a challenge to design and hone some of the drone’s subsystems. In addition, there was a specific real-world mission – to design and demonstrate a drone capable of aiding a firefighter by going into burning buildings as advance guard. Several teams completed the challenge, which was administered as a Special Topic course, conducted by Dr. Dutta, Dr. Mihail Sichitiu (ECE), Dr. Edgar Lobaton (ECE), or Dr. Larry Silverberg (MAE). More details are available from the Firefighting Drone Challenge webpage. We continue to be interested in guiding motivated students to build on the platforms produced for even more increased realism.