Professor Rudra Dutta, NC State Posts

Parth defended his thesis on July 9, 2012, with flying colors. During his stay here, Parth has worked on various aspects of wireless networking, published 8 papers, including a remarkably comprehensive survey on wireless mesh networks. Most recently, his work focused on survivability and continuity issues in wireless mesh networks – he and I have jointly authored a book on the subject which is currently in press. He is moving on to a post-doctoral fellow position at UC Davis with Dr. Prasant Mohapatra. All the best, Parth!

Selected Past News Items

Our three-year Integrated Measurement Framework project is drawing to a close. In the last several GENI Engineering Conferences we have successfully demonstrated IMF functionality; at the recently concluded GEC14 (July 9 – 11, 2012) in Boston we effectively demonstrated completed IMF functionality. The demo session was held in the Stata Center of MIT, which was hosting GEC14.

Selected Past News Items

Sankalp Nimbhorkar defended his MS thesis early in 2012, but his thesis work, jointly with some work by Parth Pathak, was published as a paper at ACM Mobihoc 2012 (June 11 – 14, 2012, Hilton Head, SC) on variable width channel allocation for wireless networks, using back-pressure approach at the physical layer. Thanks to Sankalp for following up with the effort to publish, and to Parth for extensive help.

Selected Past News Items

Dr. Dutta was guest editor of the special issue of Elsevier Journal of Optical Switching and Networking on Green Communications and Networking (Volume 8, Issue 3, 2011). He also served as guest editor of the special issue (Volume 9, Issue 2) on IEEE ANTS 2010 – collecting extended versions of outstanding papers at the IEEE Advanced Networking and Telecommunications Systems conference (Dec 16 – 18, 2010, Mumbai, India), and on IEEE ANTS 2009 (Volume 7, Issue 4, 2010). He also serves on the editorial board.

Selected Past News Items