Category: <span>Selected Past News Items</span>

Tripti defended her thesis, entitled “A Trust Model for IoT Systems Using Physical Capabilities”, in April, 2024. Her thesis work articulated the essential problem in creating trust in IoT and cyberphysical networks, and showed that information-security mechanisms (such as crypto and blockchain) were not sufficient in generating foundational trust among agents in a multi-agent IoT network, since no amount of information security mechanisms could verify the truthfulness of an agent a priori – but since agents were embedded in a common physical context, the shared physical space could be used to verify the truth of assertions made by agents, using a framework she built. Tripti goes on to employment at NetApp.

Selected Past News Items

In Fall, 2024, I will be teaching a section of CSC/ECE 573. For more information about this and other courses, please see the “Teaching” page. For registered students, initial information will become available through the Moodle locker for the course during the week preceding the beginning of classes on August 19th. The syllabus is also attached here.

Please note that this is NOT a course that focuses on TCP and IP. While those topics (and a few other protocols) are covered in the first part of the course, that is considered a recap. The main focus of the course is in gaining an appreciation of the forwarding plane of the Internet, and the various aspects of its operation.

This section will be taught entirely as a flipped class. Slides and video lectures will be provided beforehand, and students will be responsible for going through those ahead of time. Lecture periods will be spent exclusively in doing quizzes, working on homework questions, and discussing any questions that come up as a result.

Selected Past News Items

How do you start on the process of PhD research, if you have never done research before? What are the processes you will be expected to follow, and tasks you will be expected to perform, without necessarily being told how to? How do you know when you have become ready to “do research”?? Is P=NP?!?

We can’t tell you that last one, but we hope to help you with the others! We will go over the life cycle of research projects, the anatomy of research papers, how to read and write reviews, how to develop research ideas, and how to present and communicate research. This course is only open for CSC PhD students. If you are a first-year PhD student, you can also earning a full course credit toward your degree.

Since 2016, Dr. Dutta has taught this seminar every Fall on preparing for academic research, targeted at incoming Ph.D. students, and intended to smooth their entry into the research life. The students who take it learn and practice the processes of academic research, in preparation of working with their advisors. Incoming Ph.D. students will also be able to count this seminar as a full course toward their Ph.D. degree, and make contact with other faculty through this course.

In Fall, 2023, Dr. Dutta taught this course for the eighth and last time. Starting Fall, 2024, it will be administered by other CSC faculty, and eventually is planned to be absorbed in a more comprehensive sequence of courses and credits for incoming PhD students.

Selected Past News Items

Will successfully defended his doctoral thesis in October, 2022! He has been working full time as a Network Engineer and Architect at Duke University, but managed to make progress on research, and publishing, even while doing so. His work focused on the evolutionary use of Software Defined Networking techniques in real enterprise networks, by studying the pros and cons of such deployments in real-world environments, and identifying optimal factoring and placement of network policy, from the level of individual tables within Network Elements, to enterprise-wide views. In the final stretch of his doctoral work, Will focused on the large-scale end of such deployments.

Selected Past News Items

Rob successfully defended his doctoral thesis in April, 2021, in the videoconference format that became the norm during the Covid-19 pandemic! He was interested in network architecture in general, and worked on both the ChoiceNet project, and the JUNO Optical ChoiceNet project, and designed service representation, negotiation, purchasing, and provisioning methods in those frameworks. The bulk of this thesis research went toward a comprehensive study of the effects of interaction of customer and provider strategies in hybrid optical packet-circuit networks, and designing strategies that result in collaborative optimization of network performance, for a win-win scenario. He published over a dozen papers during his PhD. For the last few years of his PhD, he has been also working full time at NetApp, where he continued immediately following his doctoral defense.

Selected Past News Items

Harsh successfully defended his doctoral thesis in October, 2020, in the videoconference format that became the norm during the Covid-19 pandemic! The bulk of his work was on detection of botnets from partial traffic traces. Harsh also studied the issue of alternative decompositions of the same overall security functionality over an enterprise network, and specific issues at the intersection of security and SDN, such as RoP attacks on obfuscated code. Toward the end of his PhD, he transitioned to the AERPAW project as a Network and Systems Architect. Harsh continued in this position, and contributed to this nationally unique research facility, for a few months beyond his degree completion, before transitioning to a more traditional job. AERPAW was very glad to have had this effort from him at a crucial juncture in the project! In his new role, Harsh is helping design datapaths for future (and futuristic) forwaring engine products.

Selected Past News Items

AERPAW is an outdoor testbed for advanced wireless experiments that was funded starting September 2019, a five-year project that is expected to be funded to a total of $24M in cash and in-kind cutting-edge equipment donations. It is envisioned to extend over much of the Centennial Campus, and extend into areas south as well as areas east of campus, intended to serve a nationwide community of academic and industrial researchers. It consists of programmable radios and programmable drones on a programmable network. Dr. Dutta is one of five Co-PIs for the grant, and is acting as the Chief Architect (Networking and Systems) for the facility.

Selected Past News Items

Dr. Dutta is the author (along with his Japanese colleague, Dr. Hiroaki Harai) of the chapter on “Traffic Grooming” in a new compendium work, in four parts and thirty-five chapters, on Optical Networking. Each chapter was authored by acknowledged world authorities in the respective fields. The book is now available for purchase online both in print and as an e-book.

Selected Past News Items

Starting December, 2018, Dr. Dutta has been serving as the Associate Department Head (on an interim basis till December 2020, confirmed appointment thereafter), to provide continuity and support to Dr. Gregg Rothermel, who started in November 2018 as the new Department Head of Computer Science.

Selected Past News Items

During 2019-20 and 2020-21, Dr. Dutta served on the URPTC. This committee advises the provost in continually reviewing the RPT process, including randomly selected dossiers from each college, and other material associated with the process such as the academic regulations. As part of the process review, the URPTC is also charged with reviewing all dossiers for faculty who received a negative decision for reappointment, promotion and/or tenure from the Dean.

Selected Past News Items